A Christmas Message from the Dominican Sisters of Peace
17 Dec, 2024
The spirit of the Dominican Sisters has formed and guided St. Agnes Academy-St. Dominic School since its very beginning. The founding sisters were strong women of faith who wanted to empower their students to make a difference in the world, and 173 years later, that is still our mission. We are blessed to have Sr. Cathy Galaskiewicz, OP*, serving as a member of our Board of Trustees. Take a minute to read this Christmas message of peace and love from the Dominican Sisters.
Dear Saint Agnes-Saint Dominic Community,
There is so much excitement as we prepare for the celebration of the Birthday of Jesus!
Sometimes the Pressure of it all clouds the Peace we all long for.
When you look in the mirror and see the person there, recall WHY you are doing so many special things during this season of Advent, this time of preparing for Christmas.
You are expanding yourself because LOVE DOES SUCH THINGS.
You are decorating, buying gifts, planning trips, inviting guests, sending cards, helping those in need, and spending so much money and time doing so—because LOVE DOES SUCH THINGS.
See the goodness in your heart and let the LOVE within you warm you and enlighten you and strengthen you with energy, enthusiasm, and joy.
Sometimes we feel that we are running out of time, energy, and love! The Good News is that “The love of God is being poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:5) We are not on our own in all that we are trying to do. Emmanuel,
God-with-us, is truly WITH US. Lean into God’s strength, and be carried on Eagle’s wings!
Here at our School we are met with the presence of Advent wreaths at every entrance. It is time for a spiritual preparation in prayer and in outreach to those in need.
The Nativity figures are in place outside the chapel and in classrooms and other spaces around the campus. Hopefully at home we have brought out the Nativity figures as well, and young and old can enjoy setting them up and retelling the story of the REAL CHRISTMAS. If we parents and educators, older sisters and brothers, do not tell the TRUTH of Christmas, our younger ones will not be learning it elsewhere.
VERITAS, Truth, is our motto and we continue to speak it in beautiful Christmas carols, religious décor, prayer at home, and attending our Church services, which lift up our spirits to what is REAL and to Whom we look for true PEACE and JOY.
The Dominican Sisters of Peace hold you and your family in our hearts and prayers. Together with you we are committed to Be Peace, to Build Peace, and to Preach Peace. May this Peace of Christ fill your heart, your home, our country and world. On that first Christmas the angels sang, “Glory to God in the highest and peace to all people on earth.” Let it be so.
Merry Christmas!
Sister Cathy Galaskiewicz, OP and the Dominican Sisters of Peace
* Sr. Cathy has been the face of Dominican-Catholic charism in the Memphis area for over 40 years. She has inspired generations of children, faculty, and families at SAA-SDS previously serving as a teacher and Dean of Religious Education. She taught at CBU, served as the Diocesan Director of Religious Education, and continues to offer classes and retreats for adults.
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