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Shining a Light on . . . Jacob Reeves

Shining a Light on . . .  Jacob Reeves

01 Nov, 2023

Now in his seventh year at SDS, Jacob Reeves has a calm, thoughtful nature and practicality that makes him steadfast in the classroom. He is a dependable presence for our SDS Suns as they finish up elementary school and prepare for Junior High. He has high expectations for his students, and he is dedicated to building relationships and creating an environment where every boy can meet them.

Take a minute to get to know “Coach Reeves” a little better and learn how his combined passions make him an asset to our school, in and outside of the classroom.

What is your job title?

I am the SDS 6th grade homeroom teacher. I teach Math and Social Studies to both 5th and 6th grade students, and Literature to 6th. I also coach Upper School Cross Country and Junior High Track & Field.

What is your educational background?

I have a BA in Physical Education from and an MA in Teaching Excellence from Bethel University.

Why did you want to become an educator?

I always loved the idea of working with both young athletes and students. Teaching is a great gift to me.

What is it like to teach boys all day? 

Having a classroom of boys all day takes a lot of energy! I love it though. At heart, I am just a boy too! I understand their need to get up and move sometimes and I pay attention those needs.

What makes the single-gender experience at SDS so effective for learning?

The single-gender experience is excellent for these young men. I think it builds a great sense of teamwork and brotherhood. We can give them just what they need in the classroom.

You have a big responsibility as a male teacher in an all-boys classroom to be a role model for them. What are some life lessons you try to impart on your students, or values you try to model for the boys?

I love being a mentor. I teach the boys to always leave a space better than you find it. I remind them that we represent Christ when we are off campus. I also love teaching the boys lessons from history that help them become better men. 

What do you hope to accomplish in your job?

I hope to always have a positive impact on the 6th grade at SDS. I want boys to look back on their time in the elementary hallway and remember enjoying learning and just enjoying school.

What do you enjoy most about your job/what are your favorite parts of your job?

My favorite part of my day-much like the boys-is recess! I enjoy being active with the boys and having time to really get to know them. My other favorite part of the job is teaching them about historical events that they find interesting

Are there any things you are involved in/working on right now that you are particularly excited about?

I really enjoy the challenge of learning and implementing our new math curriculum, Reveal Math. I believe this is a great step forward for the math department at our school and I'm excited to be a part of it. 

Which of the Dominican Pillars-Study, Prayer, Community, or Service-is supported most by your role here, or which one impacts you the most/means the most to you?

I feel that Prayer is the most important Pillar to me. My relationship with God is very important, and I try to remind the boys that they need to always think of Him when interacting with others. It is certainly the most important pillar they should keep with them when they leave St. Dominic. 

What are you most grateful for?

I am most grateful for the health and energy that God gives me to be an effective teacher and coach.

What are your interests outside of the classroom? What are you particularly passionate about?

This is obvious to most, but I am most interested in running outside of work. I have my horizons set on a top 5 finish at the St. Jude Half Marathon this December! 

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